Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It's fucking cold!

Now I am normally not one to complain about cold weather, I prefer 20 degrees to 80 and will shovel my sidewalk in shorts and flip flops but Christ on a crutch it's cold out there.  Where's global warming when we need it?  Oh wait, that's all a lie so now its "climate change" and its still our fault.

The wrestling show last night for TNA was great and WWE was....eh.  I think there's good days ahead.

Fiesta Bowl was pretty good too, coming down to the last minute.  But if anyone says that Boise should get a share of the national title they need to go back to drinking antifreeze.  They're a mid major, sorry. 

Mike Shanahan is looking like the new Redskins Coach.  Condolences can be sent through the Mosti Funeral home.  The family asks in lieu of flowers a donation be made to the SKCCN (Stop killing coaching careers now) fund.

Obama to stop sending terrorists back to Yemen.  The story below this in the paper is "boy stops touching hot stove".  This is what happens when you let someone with no experience than working with the dregs of society get elected president to work with people in congress who are worse than those dregs.

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