Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New's NOT....Happy New Decade!

I cannot begin to tell you how much it's pissing me off that people keep saying tonight is the end of the decade.  It's not.  You don't start counting 0-1-2-3-4-5, you count 1-2-3-4-5 onto 10...get it...10!!!

2011 is the beginning of the new decade like 2001 was the beginning of this one.  Everyone was so busy jerking off about Y2K that they were either too drunk, paranoid, or stupid to know it was not the end of the 20th Century.  Petty issue?  Probably.  But it still pisses me off.  So yea, Happy New Year.

Watched Paranormal Activity last night and I have to say I liked it.  Now I should mention 1/2 way through the boyfriend was so annoying that I was was rooting for the demon but still it wasn't bad.  The plot wasn't bad and the alternate ending was pretty good too (so was the normal one).  I'd give it *** 1/2.  I probably would watch it again on HBO if nothing else was on, but I'm not going to be buying it or anything.

Looks like netflix is sending Jennifer's Body next.  I'm going to predict **1/2 but maybe I'll get lucky.

Stay safe folks.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I really really like you man

So last night the wife and I finally got around to watching I love you man.  I thought it was very funny, well cast, and had just enough of a cliche love story to keep my wife interested.  Unfortunately this falls into the category of really really liking it but not loving it so I'll give it the same rating here that I will on netflix... ****.  Nice movie, probably will watch it again on HBO or something but I won't buy it.  I learned my lesson on that one with wedding crashers...which is still collecting dust on my dvd rack.  Next up:  Paranormal Activity.

As the new year comes closer I have decided rather than have bullshit resolutions, I am going to do my best to have long lasting life decisions.  Part of that 'hey I'm 30, I need to get my shit together' kind of thing. 

1)  I want to have fun.  For as long as I can remember, since late high school I've always been the 'adult'.  I'm made myself the chaperone for everyone else who was going to be responsible and the bodyguard when others want to let their guards down and have fun.  I think I wanna have some fun now too.

2)  I need some discipline.  I'm overweight, I'm out of shape, I'm internet addicted, etc etc etc.  I need to get myself together and it begins with having the ability to shut my down and close down the laptop/iphone/etc.

Now #1 is a hell of a lot easier to do than #2 which is true in most things, lol.  We'll see how it goes.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Funny Pictures!!!

I decided today to share some things that I think are just hilarious.


Only 3 days till New Years Eve!  I'm really looking forward to this years annual party with the inner circle then another virtual 4 day weekend.  Stay safe folks.

Monday, December 28, 2009

The joys of technology and other such ideas

So after about a half hour of messing around I got this blog hooked into my twitter so now when twitter is randomly used, both my facebook is updated and this blog will have a snazzy little comment on the right hand side.  What does this mean?  It means I'm a slave to the computer deity.  How is this applicable for you?  It isn't but you should be so stuck up as to think everything involves you....that's my job.

I'm sitting here at work and I'm trying to decide what to write about.  I could pick Homeland Security backtracking and admitting our security system fucked up concerning the Nigerian bomber.  I could write about how Max Baucus was drunk off his ass on the Senate Floor...though the video is funnier...

Baucus Drunk?

The one thing in the news today that strikes me funny is that I went to church this past week for Christmas and the President did not.  Seems to me in days like this with terrorism and congressional wrangling and the fucked up economy, he more than anyone could have used a little church.  Priorities are funny things.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Welcome to Wide Right

Assuming someone is actually reading this and I'm not just typing out my smartass remarks for myself to read, I hope you find some entertainment in my views on sports/politics/news.

So it's actually Dec 27 and I am redoing this first post. Why? Because this is my blog and I can do anything I like. Originally I wanted to do a small thought on news and sports and something else. Hell, originally I planned on visiting this blog more than once every 3 weeks. That's sorta a problem for me, I tend to start these blogs and then 3...6...9 months later it's 'oh....I forgot about this.'

I need to make this an obsession, a passion, something I cannot live without.

...or something I'm at least willing to spend 10-15 mins a day on while I'm looking at all the other bullshit I look at online about 18 hours a day.

So let's begin with the first (new) post.

The story of the day for me is the Indy Colts and their gutless coach. You cannot tell me Peyton Manning right now is ranting and raving at losing his chance at history.'s Manning so he's doing a slow drawl like ' so....annnngry...'. Seriously, you're 14-0 and you lose because you're "preparing for the playoffs." This is why Tony Dungy was overrated and why his hand picked successor will be overrated as well as soon as they begin the sainthood proceedings because he'll help kids build a soap box racer or something. They have no guts. Shit, Indy only won their Super Bowl because they ran into Chicago and Rex Grossman is a fucking dumpster fire. Had they encountered a decent team who did more than rely on their defense to win every week...who knows.

The second most important story for me lately is Notre Dame landed their new coach Brian Kelly from Cincinnati. After the last 5 years of dissappointment under Charlie Weis, who could recruit his extra large ass off but had as little guts as Dungy when it came down to it, I am looking for a fresh start. I'll miss Clausen and Tate but I can't hold it against them for moving forward with their careers. Come on Kelly...get us sniffing BCS again and I'll name my first kid for you and pretend to everyone that we're naming him after me...yea that'll work. Shit, for a national championship I'll even go with a Briana.

News wise is we had a Nigerian terrorist rich boy try and blow up a plane in Detroit but the dumbfuck only succeeded in burning up his underwear. Seriously, after the Lions past decade I really don't think Motor City needs this.

Obama still hasn't done anything of noteworthiness except balloning our debt, pushing for socialist health care, failing to get the olympics, getting a nobel prize for doing nothing...he's doing just fine.

I just decided since I'm typing this as I watch TV to do movie reviews too since what the hell this is my blog.

Julie and Julia...I know what you're thinking. Why in the hell would he watch this? wife has access to our netflix que too.....2nd....said wife. :)

It's actually not bad. I'm not talking Citizen Kane here but for a romantic comedy it'd not bad and Meryl Streep is..God help me...pretty good. We're only about 70% through (I think) but I'm going to guess the end is as good as the rest so I'm gonna go with *** 1/2. I'm not going to buy it but if it's on and there is nothing else on...I wouldn't automatically go to the xbox for safety.

Now...the challenge. Will you hear from me tomorrow???