Monday, February 20, 2017

So it's been 5 years since I posted on here.  A lot has changed in the world, the country, even my family.  So why after all this time should I come back to this?  To put it bluntly, the rising tide of stupid that I read every day on various social medias.

Before I go further lemme give a shout out to GAB.

These guys get it right unlike some others....looking at you Twitter.....and allow users to actually use free speech.  Without censorship, without deleting "offensive" messages and language, without being lapdogs for the left wing machine in this world who never met a conservative message, joke, or critique they didn't hate.  And they actually let you use 300 characters so you don't have to use 2 for too or 4 for..well, for.

So where was I?  Oh yea, left wing douchebag snowflakes.  They're losing their minds.  Whether it's on facebook or twitter or whatever.  Now stop and ask a question.  Would they be acting this way if they truly expected Trump to implode like they claim he will?  Common sense says they wouldn't.  They'd wait him out, throw a few jabs here and there, and then pick the bones like vultures.  But that isn't what they're doing.  They're in full fledged meltdown mode on every single thing he does and why is that?  Because they know he won't implode.  They know he'll try and keep his promises and if the spineless GOP majorities wake the fuck up he may even succeed.  He may change the direction of this country for decades so the next time you see a protest, or a whiny social media post, or a sky is falling tweet just smile and know...we're winning.

Now, one of their big complaints is about Russia.  RUSSIA!!!  It'd have been nice if they'd been that concerned about them for 8 years when Putin bent Obama over and fucked him 10 ways to Sunday like a direct-to-DVD knockoff of 50 Shades.  Or maybe when Hillary (Christ did we dodge a bullet or what??) helped Russia purchase a huge amount of our uranium.  Nah, no worries until the worst Democrat since Dukakis....maybe McGovern, fucked up worse than the Atlanta Falcons prevent defense.  So they need a scapegoat.  Surely it couldn't be her fault for never having any sort of a positive message.  Nope it was the Russians!

Image result for boris and natasha

First it was Trump had business ties.  Then it was they hacked the DNC (BTW, what did we learn from that hack?  More to come on that in a bit).  Then it was they hacked the election.  Then it was Trump is some kind of manchurian candidate, then it was blah blah blah.  Hey snowflakes.  You lost BIG TIME because you picked the worst nominee in 30 years.

But remember another time the lefties didn't care about Russia?  It was just around the time of the previous presidential election.

Image result for Obama I Will Have More Flexibility

Image result for Obama I Will Have More Flexibility

The guy on the right was Putin's hand picked "successor" who he quickly got out of the way.  Think Pat Riley as Coach/GM but with nukes.

What is more flexibility you ask?  Why is he telling the Russians he'll have it after the election you ask?  Why would the Russians want him to be more flexible you...oh you get it.  Bottom line is, 4 years ago Democrats were all "yea he's going to work with Russia and we'll get along that's great!" and then when Trump said he wants to work with them he's the antichrist.

Image result for huh?

PSA...Don't hire this man ^^^ as a bartender.

So, about that DNC leak(s).  What did we learn?

*The Democrats were in the tank for Hillary from day 1
*Bernie Sanders who was unelectable but at least he believes his own bullshit was treated terribly by his own party, especially the higher ups who should have been neutral.
*CNN and other entities were working hand in hand with the Dems
*They gave her debate questions early
*DNC folks love to make fun of catholics, latinos, blacks, and anyone else they think are below them.

But doesn't matter what we learn, which nobody has denied as fake...we just have to be mad at these two for hacking them to begin with....

Image result for boris and natasha

So let me toss this one in too.  At a rally in Florida, the First Lady intro'd her husband but before she did, she led the crowd in prayer.  And she was attacked for it.  To say nothing about the fact if Michelle Obama had done it she would have been praised, I don't remember ANY first lady doing it before and I think it was very refreshing and hopeful.

I think I shouldn't wait 5 years for the next installment and I probably won't have to wait very long for new material.