Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lessons of Parenthood

1     Change diapers quickly or the kid will find the time to piss all over the place
2     My wife has a lot more patience than I do, though I don't think I'm doing bad so far
3     The kid looks like an angel when she sleeps...at 7 pm.  At 3:30 am she sounds like a pissed off velociraptor.
4     Family can be your best lifeline for sanity and biggest pain in the ass at the same time.
5     I am astounded how much this kid can eat.
6     Letting your kid push up on your thigh like they're standing will NOT give them bowed legs.
7     I wish babies knew english so she could tell me why she's screaming like I'm beating her with a bat.
8     When this kid starts moving on her own I'm gonna be in a lot of trouble
9     Baby formula tastes like 5 day old dog shit
10   I swear kids from day 1 know how to push buttons in the adults around them

I dread this day.....

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What's a Tsunami got to do with Women's History Month?

Simple.  It kills 2 birds with one stone for me as far as posting an update.  By now everyone is familiar with Japan's recent troubles.  The news wants to make it sound like they're sitting on a ticking H-Bomb.  Some things I have read recently point to that being not the case.  I still asked the wife last night if she thought we should buy the radiation sickness pills anyways.  It's a very sad situation for everyone involved but I don't think the worst is passed.  With all the fault lines and volcanoes around the Pacific, I would't be surprised to see a big level earthquake in CA or the west coast and a bad volcano or two.

Now I know what you're thinking.  What the hell can he say about Women's History Month?  I think this sums it up.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Batfuckcraziness...and Charlie Sheen

There seem to be 2 domestic news stories dominating coverage lately, the multi-state approach to cut state deficits by shrinking union negotiating abilities and Charlie Sheen taking a nose dive into insanity.

Some personal background on the first.  My dad was a 30 year steelworker and I remember him vividly being on strike when I was in high school.  They sat out for an entire year, lost all those wages--at that point he was making great money--and what did they get for it?  Nothing.  The local yokel union leaders were too interested in their own pride and their make believe higher ground and they lost big time.  This is why I do not trust unions.  Not that the idea of unions is bad, it's not.  Workers anywhere should have someone making sure they're safe on the job and they are reasonably taken care of.  But the people who tend to become union leaders are...about a step and a half away from used car salesman, especially in the face locally of all these steel plants shutting down and laying off and these dumbasses go on the news acting like we're going to be back to 1970 production levels any day now instead of saying the truth.  The truth is in an area like I live in, those days are gone and the men who worked hard for years have little to fall back on as far as other skills and education so now they're stuck as 30-40-50 somethings with little economic hope.

Which brings me to Ohio's Senate Bill 5 and why I think it must be a good idea.  I'm not going to argue the finer points or issues, because I haven't read the bill and I don't know them.  What I do know is the Republicans are taking a huge risk, shortly after kicking ass in the 2010 election by going all-in so soon.  Now you don't get to be successful in politics or anything else by being stupid.  Kasich didn't get to where he is by leaping before he looks.  If he is willing to take this heat and risk his governorship 2 months in, something about this bill must be important enough to risk all that. Now I know the bottom line workers who will be affected are not happy and in their shoes I wouldn't be either but as Obama said elections have consequences and the consequence of 2010 appears to be that the Union sweetheart deals of the past 40 years are over.  At least Ohio's Dems didn't run away to a Best Western in Indiana or Kentucky like those pussies in Wisconsin.

Now we get to Charlie Sheen.  At this point everyone knows the catch phrases and the crazy behavior.  He's lost his kids, his job, and looks like he's teetering on the brink of Gary Busey land forever.  But I think we haven't seen rock bottom just yet.   I think we're only at the beginning of what will become a massive flameout.  He's a master of using the web but at some point even his 'followers' will become bored and move on and then what?  What will he do to get the world's attention again?  Maybe it's too cliche to say he'll kill himself intentionally or accidentally but would I be surprised?  No.  It seems that in his mind it's about himself and his legacy.  Once you're on a rooftop swinging a machete like Idi Amin and quoting MLK I don't know where you go from there.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Finally...the Rock...has come back.....

Its been a pretty long time since I wrote on here but I actually have an honest to God good reason.

This is the new greatest thing in the world, my baby girl.  

But the world, and hopefully someday my sleep, will go on.  

The wife and I have had time over the course of the last few weeks here and there to enjoy some flicks so here are the short-short reviews.

**** out of *****   
Pretty funny, good action, good plot, great cast.  Hope the sequel works out as well.

**** 1/2 out of *****

The only reason this isn't 5 stars is because I lacked the patience to watch it like a hawk and I think I missed something which probably would have given it a perfect score.  If you watch this movie, which you should, you need to pay attention. No texting, no facebook just sit there and watch the screen and if you do that you'll discover a great detective/mystery story which holds up almost 40 years after it was made.  


Yup, that's a dirty word in Washington, often used in bluster, but recently it has come to light again and for good reason.

Now people can argue about the law, people can feel its unfair or whatever, but it IS the law.  It has been upheld by more than a few courts.  The fact is is this not some Clinton perjury, this is directly saying he will not follow the Constitution.

Section 3 - State of the Union, Convening CongressHe shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.

The bold part is the key.  The President's job, as we all learned in grade school is to uphold the law.  Congress makes it, the Supreme Court when needed gives it a thumbs up for Constitutionality, and the President makes sure people follow it.  The President is not allowed to decide which laws hes likes and which he doesn't like and thus which ones he will enforce.

Failing to uphold the Constitution and his oath of office....actually announcing intent to do that is an impeachable offense.  I don't know how far they'll take it, but there is a duty to look into this.  The Reps have the responsibility not to make a circus of this but the Dems have the responsibility to reject the kneejerk circling of the wagons and put the Constitution above their Party if indeed he did break the law.

So I'm now 4 days away from my return to work and I miss my coworkers and my job but I can tell it's going to be very difficult for me to be away from the wife and kid for 8 hours a day. She's spoiling me more than I could have predicted, even when she keeps me up at night.  Last night a friend told me to enjoy these early days and years because before you know it, they're grown up.  I'm beginning to understand that with every day that passes.