Monday, June 28, 2010

Politics, Politics, Politics

So I was looking for a way to get a little more political on this blog and I think I found 3 openings.

Exhibit A    

No, Joe, he's not a smartass, he just doesn't want to pay sky high taxes to subsidize your party's 90+ year old love affair with socialism and spreading the wealth. 

Exhibit B

This mean looking son of a bitch wants to kill terrorists.  He wants his guys to be able to return fire without a note from teacher.  He wants "diplomats" who don't sabotage our war effort.  His mistake:  Being honest.  His punishment:  Not having to take orders anymore from a guy named Hussein...or is that a reward?


 Exhibit C

This guy is dead.

They want you, when you think of him, not to think of this:

They want you, when you think of him, to think of this:

On November 20th this year he'd have been 93 so I honestly think as his last effort to help America he decided to pass on today and not after the next you have any idea how much 93 three of these on his cake would cost the national debt?

That felt good

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