Thursday, July 1, 2010

Crazy Joe at it again

Biden Claims a GOP 'Blitzkrieg' (Updated) »

Vice President Biden is out with an alarmed e-mail cash appeal warning that the GOP will mount a “blitzkrieg” against Democrats in the fall.

Comparing GOP tactics to the fast-striking forces of Nazi Germany, Biden warns in a message sent by the DCCC today: “As things heat up, you can expect House Democrats will be hit with a GOP blitzkrieg of vicious Swift-Boat-style attack ads, Karl Rove-inspired knockout tactics, thinly veiled attempts at character assassination and tea party disruptions.”

And while the GOP is mounting a blitzkrieg, Democrats are the allies.

“Our Democratic allies in the House need your help, and the President and I hope we can count on you to come to their defense so we can hold onto our Democratic Majority and continue moving American forward in a new direction,” Biden writes in the appeal.

Subtle? Not so much.

Update: Republicans were not amused by the implications of the e-mail.

Kevin Smith, spokesman for Minority Leader John Boehner, e-mailed a comment that seems sure to get under Democrats’ skins: “When will Democrats learn that invoking the Nazis’ crimes against humanity in a political debate is simply inappropriate?”

Now let's try and forget this is the asshole who told a man in a wheelchair to stand and wave to the crowd.  Let's also forget this is the guy who asked for a blessing for the late mother of the Irish Prime Minister---she's alive.  But now he's trotting out the old Republicans = Nazis? 

Luckily as someone who spent way too much money on a history degree I'll never use I can say one thing catagorically:

Republican "Nazis" aren't the ones who support doing this....

In other news the new Supreme Court nominee who looks like, as a good friend put it, Jon Lovitz in a dress, sat through such grilling questions as are you with team vampire or team werewolf.  I'm not kidding..on either end.

So we all know she's getting approved, the dems will vote together and some traitor like Collins or Snowe will vote with them, but in the long run this doesn't really matter.  She's replacing the biggest lib on the court so it doesn't tilt the balance.

Yea....that's the ticket.

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