Monday, January 31, 2011

Riot like an Egyptian

If you want to find all the cops 
They're hanging out in their riot gear
They shoot and shout (oh whey oh) 
Spin the clubs and crack your block.

So there's some major protests popping up along North Africa and the Middle East and this time it does not appear like the guy in power is going to hang on.  Why is this important?  Let's be honest here, it's politically correct to say we are worried about their civil rights, their democracy, etc etc etc.  But that's just lip service.  We're concerned about this:

There are two things that pass through the Suez Canal which relate to our national interest.  Oil and our Navy.  If there was no canal, we'd have been off this story already and talking about the new iphone fuckup or how Charlie Sheen was seen blowing an elephant he mistook for his drug dealer in a coke-induced haze.  This is why we're concerned for the region because if people who look like this....

Take over the country then we're just going to have to drop a few million tons of bombs in the next 5-10 years to get that canal opened up again.  The interesting thing for me is that the generals in his military don't seem to be very concerned about protecting his reign.  Unless there is some major change in the next 2-3 days I don't think Mubarak makes it to the weekend without heading off into the sunset.

Of course most Americans don't give a flying shit about Egypt because it's a week away from our national holiday.

I cannot express how excited I am for this game but I can sum it up this way.

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